Every dollar raised will go to help Federal Way Young Life grow in 2024, reaching more kids with the gospel of Jesus. With your generous financial support, our leaders and staff will continue to share the unconditional love of God with teens in Federal Way.

Thank you to everyone who donated on #YLGiving Tuesday, helping us reach $4,800 in less than 24 hours! AMAZING!

That amount will help us reach our ultimate year-end goal of $35,000! 

Start Helping Kids Now

Suggested Amounts

For Monthly Recurring Gifts OR for One-time and/or Monthly EFT Gifts,  Click Here! (You will be taken to our monthly giving form. This saves cost on recurring gifts.)

Billing info below is only required for single donations via cash, check, or credit card. For EFT donations, click here.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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